Deputy Principal’s Message

Dearest Parents and Guardians,

I cannot believe that we have reached the end of another academic year. What a year it has been! I would like to thank each and every one of you for an excellent year we have had. You have been so supportive throughout your child’s education during these unprecedented times and I must admit that you all did a fantastic job.

Just before we wrap up the year, I would like to brief you in with some of the activities and events our teachers and students were involved in.

New Campus:

The start of a new term was also a start of a new campus for our primary students right after the lockdown had ended. All our students and staff have settled down and adjusted to their new campus and the surroundings. All our students had the opportunity to do a mini tour with their classroom teachers, discovering all the features and facilities of the new campus.

From our understanding, students love the new campus and look forward to coming to school to learn at their new campus.

Online zoom assembly:

As the current restrictions did not allow us to perform assemblies, we looked for alternatives so we could meet with all our students at the same time. We organised a zoom assembly where all students joined the assembly through their classroom computer. During our assembly, we announced our school bin motto winners along with dare to hope winners that was facilitated by the pastoral care and well-being department and also reminded our students the school rules along with a resilience guide that they may follow day in and day out at school.

Award assemblies:

Each coordinator in our school organised and facilitated a mini award ceremony for their very own cohort. At the assembly, coordinators, deputy principal and principal awards were presented to students whom their merits made up for a respective award. We congratulate all students for their achievements during 2020.

Level up day:

We are very excited to inform you that this year Sirius College students were given the opportunity to meet their classmates and teacher for 2021 before term 4 had ended. During period 6 & 7 all our students met their new peers and classroom teachers and conducted ice breaker activities to give each student the chance to transition and familiarise themselves with their new classmates for 2021.

The level up day program was very beneficial and worthy to implement for the coming years yet.

I would love to continue my sentences with other great achievements we facilitated during term 4 but a glimpse of some would suffice.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our teachers, parents and students the very best for 2021. We hope 2021 brings prosperity, abundance and intrigue in the learning of our students.

For now, please enjoy your well deserved summer break. Stay safe, enjoy the summer and don’t forget to be sun smart!

Warm regards,

Mr. Cihan
Deputy Principal